Hey everyone! We had a great 4th of July. We were able to have a dinner with my Aunt Candi, Uncle Don, and cousins Sarah and Donald. We had grilled corn on the cob, hot dogs, chips, and jello pretzel salad (made by yours truly).
While were there we gave Aleeyah some watermelon, which she thoroughly enjoyed.

While we were there she spent some time in her play pen. I thought she would hate it, but she really didn't seem to mind. We stocked it with toys and her sippy cup and made sure to still pay her a lot of attention. She is such a curious baby that she doesn't mind looking around and checking everything out. They have a dog and they spend time checking each other out. She had one incident where she was sitting up and fell over into the netting at the side of the playpen. Her face was all smooshed up against the netting and if I hadn't been so worried that she was okay, I would have taken a picture, it was actually kind of funny. (Does that make me a bad parent?:P)
Just about the time we were about to light the sparklers, it started raining. It was great though, we are in drought conditions here. Also, I have missed the rain. It hardly ever rains in Utah and never very hard, so it was a treat for me.
The house still gets cold here at night, especially in Aleeyah's room with the wooden floors and her crib being next to the vent (The only place for it until we clear more things out of the room). So, every night we put her in a sleeper so that she doesn't get cold. A couple of nights ago I was behind on the laundry and this was the only thing warm enough I had to put her in. Yes, you can laugh (we did), and sorry the pictures are blurry, she doesn't sit still very often.
Adventures in Cooking
Now that we are settling in here, I have started looking up new and interesting recipes to try. Caleb told me earlier this week that he thinks in the last two weeks I have tripled the times I have used the crockpot since we have been married. I also made a few family favorites.
Jello Pretzel Salad for 4th of July
Yogurt Pie with a crust made from crushed Nature Valley Honey and Oat granola bars (YUM! Definitely a keeper recipe)
Chocolate Chip cookies - the most soft and gooey cookies I have ever had - the secret? - pudding mix
(Sorry the color is off, the lighting here is terrible!)
I actually found rhubarb at the grocery store so we just HAD to make rhubarb crisp, A Cox family favorite
Oh, I almost forgot. Here is a picture of Daddy with Aleeyah on the 4th of July sitting on our new (to us) couch! We will be uploading more picture of the house soon!